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Children's Book: Only You Can Be You

$10 Off $50 Code = WILD10

It’s spring in Australia when Periwinkle, the little blue penguin, gets a special invitation in the mail. It’s to her cousin Crystal’s birthday party in Antarctica! Periwinkle is excited to meet all of her penguin cousins, but she soon realizes that she is different from the rest. The smallest penguin of all, Periwinkle is not only shorter than her cousins, but she is also the only penguin that is blue. All the others are black-and-white. Will she fit in?

With the help of her animal friends and a special gift from her mother, Periwinkle begins her journey to Antarctica. Along the way she learns to be brave and realizes that being different is what makes her special.

Only You Can Be You: A Blue Penguin Tale is an inspiring story published by the award-winning San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance Press. Featuring the work of beloved illustrator Suzy Spafford, creator of Suzy's Zoo, and author Judy Petersen-Fleming, these books and characters are dedicated to educating kids in a fun and whimsical way about animals in the wild, inspiring all of us to care more about the animal kingdom and the natural world we share. The book also includes a section featuring fun facts about all penguins!

36-page, hardcover book. Recommended for ages 8-12 years.

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