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Questions about shopping on ShopZoo? Looking for an item or size that you can't find? Want to place a bulk order?

Please complete the contact form below. Typically, we will respond within one business day, but if it's a weekend or holiday, please give us an extra day.

If you don't receive a reply within one business day, please check your email's spam folder just in case. Add ShopZoo@sdzwa.org to your email provider's safe sender list to ensure you receive our replies.

  • For Shipping and Delivery related concerns, click here.
  • For more information on our Returns and Exchanges policy, click here.


    • Only click the "Pay now" button ONCE. If you order isn't progressing to an order confirmation page, please verify that your billing address matches the address you have on file with your credit card. If shipping a gift, verify that your recipient's information isn't listed under the "billing address" section.
    • If you notice 2 charges for your order, be assured that you were "authorized" twice, but not charged twice. The original authorization will disappear from your card very soon.
    • When the checkout process is complete, an estimated tax is calculated, and your credit card is only authorized for a brief period of time. After the final tax is calculated, the payment is captured, and your card is charged for the final amount. If you're still seeing duplicate charges within 2–3 business days, please contact us for assistance.
